Monday, October 31, 2011

Weightlifting Needs a Libero

A few years back, volleyball became boring. Tall people jumping and killing a tiny little ball that had done nothing to them, with apologies to Joseph Heller. Participation was down as was spectator interest. Lo and behold!

The marketing guys got a hold of the problem and were able to invent the libero. This new position had a couple of key requirements. One of which was that the athlete did not have to be tall! The libero is not allowed to play the ball if the ball is over the net. Wow.

Suddenly, young boys and girls with no hope of getting over 5'5" could now play volleyball. Well, weightlifting needs a libero.

Not trying to put national meets into the bustling downtown section of major metropolitan cities where they will be lost in the noise. Not being elitist and spouting off about the purity of the sport. Nor setting up a contrived love/hate with Crossfit. Weightlifting needs a libero to get more people, kids especially, interested in the sport for the sport's sake.

Now that I have identified the problem, perhaps I can come up with weightlifting's version of the libero.

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