Sunday, February 28, 2010

Schedule at Club: March 1-9

With the Arnold this weekend, there will be shortened hours at the club. This does not mean that the place is closed; limited coaching will be available.
March 1 & 2: Usual lifting with coaching
March 3-7: No coaching, workouts posted. If you are NOT lifting at the Arnold you can still lift at the club.
March 8, Monday: Day of rest.
March 9, Tuesday: Return to usual lifting routine.

Good luck to all lifters, especially ours!, at the Arnold!

Friday, February 26, 2010


Nice lifting on the last heavy snatch session before Arnold.
Chad: hits an out of competition PR in his snatch then backs it up with solid squatting.
Keith: Nails 2 PR. One in the snatch and one in the squat.
After Wednesday's CJ performance and tonight's SN performance, they could set some nice PR at the meet.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Meets on Calendar, Recent Lifting

The next Big Thing is the Arnold. These last few days before the meet will be all about speed, concentration, and focus. Fast is good.

Next club meet will be on Sunday May 16, 2010 at Explosion.

Keith completed 11 lifts at greater than 90% without a miss. Nice work!
Steve hit 95% in his snatch and tied his CJ PR. Nice job!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Training during the Storm of the Century

With the Arnold about 2 weeks away, training time is at a premium. All lifting is scheduled to go on during the next couple of days, routines are written, goals have been set, see you Monday and Tuesday at Gametime!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Today's Meet At Explosion Fitness Solutions

Today, had 17 lifters in attendance (3 were unable to lift). Plus a good crowd. Though it seemed as if one lifter brought an entire cheering section!. The results:

Cincinnati WLC
Keith, 62 kg, 68/78/146
Joey, 94 kg (!), 55/72/127
Dean, 77 kg, 60/80/140

Brownsburg Barbell
DJ, 105+, 103/140/243
Kennedy, 77, 95/117/212
Alex, 94, 94/116/210
Steele, 77, 84/112/196
Benjamin C., 77, 79/102/181
Benjamin S, 105+, 70/80/150 and 6 for 6
Brandon, 85, 64/78/142 and 6 for 6
Stone, 69, 47/62/109
Mary, 69, 43/59/102
Grace, 35, 14/16/30 and 6 for 6 and only 9 years old!

Nicole, 75+, 65/80/145
Doug, 105, 75/110/185
Kevin, 94, 72/91/163 and 6 for 6 and qualified for National Masters in his first meet
Brent, 94, 98/118/216 in his first meet

Thank you to all the loaders (Steve, Josh, Andrew), scorers (Kelli and Tyler), referees (Rick, Jeff, and Chad) and the spectators!