Monday, November 21, 2011

A Good Week for all

Nice work by the lifters this past week, including a couple of PR. Brian got the week off to a good start by setting a PR in squat. Increasing it from 180 to 185. In addition, he hit a PR in CJ of 117. He had tried it the week before and was unable to get under. This time, he pulled a bit harder and got the bar to just below his shoulders. The jerk was routine after that. Snatch needs to be emphasized a bit more over the next period of time so that it can catch up to CJ.
Garrett unknowingly hit a PR in clean grip dead lift. The bar was misloaded on purpose just to see how he would react. Despite his near refusal to use his legs and make a back exercise, he was able to crank out 10 reps at just over bodyweight.
Fern and Zach. Since they are just starting out, every day is a PR for them!
Keith and Brigid make the final preparations for the upcoming American Open.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Great Performance: Beta Laten Eva

Under the category of better late than ever, Saturday November 5 saw the last possible chance for Brigid to qualify for her second American Open and second Nationals. Practically one year of training came down to this last pressure though.

Warming up: no problem though a couple of warm up lifts were a bit loose.
Snatch opener: smoked.
Snatch second: smoked. Drawing gasps from the crowd at how smooth the lift was.
Snatch third: smoked.

She is halfway to the goal. Focussed and feeling confident, she begins CJ warm ups. Nice progression with no problems of any kind. Opening CJ; hits it solidly so, she has at least totalled with 2 attempts left to qualify.

Second CJ: she hits this, she is in. Clean is solid; the jerk even more solid. Fantastic lifting. She qualifies for the 2011 American Open with this total.

Third CJ: An attempt is made at a "should make" weight, but not as much fire in the belly as on the prior attempts and the weight is not racked.

One meet a month since September and this one sticks. Great job. See you in Mobile.