Monday, November 12, 2012

The Week in Review

Three years ago, when Ben first started lifting with us, he was strong as heck (still is) and as tight as piano wire.  After a few weeks, he was able to hit 76/100 easily.  Then became the grind of learning a new skill and then applying that skill.  He was told at the time that his present CJ would become his future snatch.  It did.

Suddenly, it dawned on me that he has done exactly that.  He hit 97 in his last meet (102 in practice) and a 137 (140 in practice).  And a pretty good ratio though the snatch could be a little higher in relation to the CJ.  Three years of 4 days a week of training with all of its frustrations and little wins until he hits the milestone.  It ain't easy, gotta keep at it.

Great job, Ben, and for all the Type A personalities who want to get their lifting into the stratosphere over the long weekend ("Let's bang this thing out and put 60 k on my lifts."), bear in mind, he did over 600 lifting sessions to make this happen.

In other great stuff:

Jordan sets PR in snatch and is the first lifter to fully complete the 6 week introduction to weightlifting program.  Nice work!

Rio became a PR machine with PR in jerk and front squat.  Way to go!

Fern is working through the body composition change program and noticing incredible results as her CJ, done for 10 singles, matches her previous meet PR.

Not to be outdone, George grinds out a couple of PR CJ at 125 and 130.  

Brigid who also snatches more than what she used to CJ and taking a little more than about 2 years to do so continues her American Open preparation program.  This week's sessions will be quite demanding.

Keith who warms up for the snatch with more than he used to CJ also continues his American Open preparation.  His week looks pretty demanding, too.

Good things happen and progress is made if you knuckle down and put forth the effort.