Wednesday, January 27, 2010

PRs tied or broken recently

Tonight, Ben hits 110 in the CJ. Easily. Well on his way to hitting 125 at Arnold.

Keith hits 110 in the squat. His squat is moving up, his CJ is moving up.

Garrett hits 75 in the squat. Chad ties his thumbless clean at 97.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

PR in the House: Ben

Ben, after leaving it on the floor with a tough Tabata front squat session, hits a PR in the CJ: 105 kg. 3 weeks, 5 kilos. Nice!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

PR for Chad: Squat

Chad posts a PR last night in the squat: 137 kg, cracking the 300# barrier.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Personal Record in the House

Keith, BW 60 kilos, snatched 65 kilos. Just barely missed 82 in the CJ.

Web Site for 2010 American Open

Cincinnati WLC has set up a web site for the 2010 American Open Weightlifting Championships. Right now, it may give the impression that the club is a bunch of Vibram Five Fingers wearing, tree hugging maniacs. Definitely not the case. Over time, it will be populated with pertinent information about the event.

Press Release from USAW

A long link, might have to copy and paste to your browser.