Thursday, October 29, 2009

Lifter returns to the club

After a lengthy battle with a specific medical condition, Keith comes back to lift on Friday, October 30. It will be a long road back to where he was, but it will be a great ride. Glad to have him back!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Planning for Next Week

No coach available on Monday, November 2, and Tuesday, November 3 at Gametime. The place is not closed and usual lifting sessions should be conducted. Duty calls in a big way.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Crazy Carmel Indiana Meet

Easy to get to and at a great indoor venue, Velocity Sports and Performance, the Carmel Indiana meet was a junior meet with Jake lifting by special dispensation.
Lifting on a rubberized basketball court, Jake was the last lifter and followed himself. Warmups started unspectacularly then right around 90%, the form started to dial in. One crazy snatch at 100 kg had two heads being scratched. Fortunately, that kink was left in the warm up area!
Opener 107 kg: easy. Looked light.
2nd 112 kg: easy.
3rd: 115 kg, not so easy. The lift was no good.

The CJ would be in about 1 hour as all the kids had to go in advance of Jake. Ugh was muttered by Mrs. Jake. Smooth warm ups followed by the final pull at 145. Things were looking good.
1st attempt: 142, no problems. Bang, bang, 3 whites.
2nd attempt: 148, big problems. Jake missed the clean. A very rare site.
3rd attempt: 148 clean no problem, jerk, in the right position, good drive, feet split as bar came off of shoulders. A struggle on the lockout and finally a drop. Missed lift.

3 for 6, 112/142/254. a handful of kilos away from 2010 national qualification. Next meet!

The return to Cincinnati was an adventure with the I465 east bound closed. Took the long way around Indy. When does a 20 minute drive seem like an hour?

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Toledo Development Meet Results, 10/24

Glad this meet was inside! The weather was nasty: rainy and cold.

Breann: 48/66 (pr)/114 (pr)
Chad: 72/95/167 (pr)
Ethan: 80 (pr)/105 (pr)/ 185 (pr) and 6 for 6
Fred: 75/--/--
Josh: 97 (pr)/125 (pr)/222 (pr)

Fred is still struggling with the broken wrist pain remnants. Today, the pain was too much in the clean and jerk and his day was ended after posting a snatch total. Even tight tape around the wrist was to no avail.
Breann lifted in the earliest session-- very nervous about the snatch after her back-drop episode of a few weeks ago. Opener of 48 was easy and a meet PR. 52 went behind. 54 was a crowd pleaser. She popped that bar overhead and hit the bottom. Three tries to stand and she just could not do it. The crowd tried to urge her on up, but Bre had to drop it. Spectators commented positively on her impressive effort.
She went in to her favorite lifts with good energy after a nice warm up. The opener of 58 went up easy. 62, which buried her at the state meet in July, went up nicely. The 66 was a standing up struggle, but she did it, nailed the jerk, and got 3 whites. Another PR. 48/66/114.
There will be plenty of heavy leg work in her future!

Chad, Ethan, and Fred all were lifting with about the same weights and Ethan was competing in his first meet. Fred was in his first outside-the-club meet.
Chad had a solid opener of 72 setting a meet PR. Ethan came in with an equally solid, butterfly busting 75. Fred hit his 75 with authority.
Chad went to 75 for his second, got under it with plenty of room, but could not hold hit. He called for 80 on his third. He missed the 80 though he got it up well and was almost all the way under it. It was a nice try, but he still got 3 red lights.
Ethan hit 77 for his second and then, still doing the donkey kick, hit 80. 3 for 3 in the snatch.
Fred got the 77 up overhead, but pressed out the bar. He said it felt light and asked for 80. The 80 got up there, but he was already standing up straight before the bar was locked out. He had to drop it. Credited with 75.

Josh went with a PR 97 attempt for his first snatch. Dialing it in, he nailed it for 3 white lights. He called for 100. He locked in his starting position, pulled, but the bar stayed out in front a few inches and he could not get under. No lift. He called for more weight, wanting to make the bodyweight snatch of 102. Again, he dialed in nicely, nice first pull, but the power was not there on the second. No lift. Credited with a PR 97.

During CJ warm up, Fred's pesky wrist caused too much pain and he was forced to withdraw from the meet. Bummer.

Chad opened with 95. He has done more in the gym, but wanted to start off on a good note. He nailed the CJ, but was a bit light headed in standing up. He went for 100. He struggled with the clean and barely got the jerk off of his chest. Again, the same light headedness. He elected to stay with 100 then moved up to 102. The clean then nothing; no energy. Credited with 95.

Ethan opened with 95. He hit it with room to spare. Now, it was official: a total in his first meet. He went to 100 and again, room to spare. He went to 105 to tie his gym PR and got that, too. Credited with a solid 105 and a 185 total.

Josh was opening with a 120 which was his final lift back in July. He hit it nicely. He called for 125. His clean cleaned up on this lift and he nailed it making the jerk look easy. He called for 130. This was a struggle from the get-go as he was not able to rack the weight, leaving it out in front of him by a few inches. Still, a 125.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Upcoming Meets

The club is excited about upcoming meets. The plan is to have a number of lifters hit PRs.