Sunday, March 27, 2011

Lack of Testosterone Reported: Wussification Continues

In musing about the lifting session of the club yesterday, it became glaringly apparent as to what is upsetting about so-called training in gyms.
3 big, beefy men are working out on slide boards and on a Swiss (why do the Swiss have a monopoly on these balls??) exercise balls. There is a lot of grunting, groaning, and sweating by a couple of men in particular (possibly late 20s to early 30s and each well over 100 kilos). I notice one fellow in particular on the ball doing dumbbell presses with what appear to be incredibly heavy dumbbells. He is pressing 25 pound bells and grunting like he is wrestling a tiger.
I am pretty sure the testosterone level in his blood went down as he was thinking about his workout. I would bet he went home to Birkenstocks and an organic meal of tofu and beans.
Meanwhile, not even commenting upon the male lifters in the club, two female lifters have produced more testosterone in the last two days than those guys on the exercise balls could even dream about. Megan does squats with 130% of her bodyweight. Brigid does reps of heavy squats and RDL with 135% bodyweight.
The men, after finishing up with 30 second planks, comment about heavy weights being dangerous to lift as they leave the room talking about their latest waxing appointments and what spray tan to use.

1 comment:

  1. That's why I haven't trained in a commercial gym since the early 90's. When I saw a woman on a stair stepper with her yellow thong OUTSIDE her spandex pants, wearing stripper heels, I knew it was time to leave.
