Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Progress in a steady manner

Erik, a.k.a. "Rio", is our 14 year old lifter who started lifting after being a spectator at a meet a few months ago.  Which emphasizes the importance of getting someone to a meet so that he can get excited about competing.  If you are an adult weightlifter going to a meet and you don't have a youngster with you, well, I could go on and on, but this post is about progress.
Last night at practice, he is putting in a lot of effort doing his push presses.  He is struggling to drive that weight up there as his legs were probably burnt out by the heavy squats just completed.  I walk over to him to tell him he just completed 5 reps in the push press with a weight that he could not squat just a few weeks ago.

How is that for progress?  What kid or adult would not want to experience that kind of progress?  A loaded barbell that you cannot roll across the floor and now you are putting it up overhead for multiple reps??

Can I get a Cincinnati Reds rally howl?  

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