Saturday, August 18, 2012

The feeling sinks in

That feeling of lifting a heavy weight (whether a relatively or absolutely heavy is immaterial) when it just feels good.  Many times, the emphasis on partial lifts (either hang or block) is lost on a lifter.  The question, "When do I get to do the full lifts?" comes up often.  The answer is nearly as complicated to explain as asking, "Can you make a muscle?"

Pressure here, pressure there, weight balanced fore or seems pointless until the feeling sinks in.  The past two weeks have seen many of the lifters feeling it.

Pat can now do snatch and CJ and say how each felt.  Kathryn working off the blocks was able to figure out the feeling of in front and just right.  Chelsea able to feel when she lowers herself or when she bends over to meet the bar.  Nice stuff.

Fern working week 4 of her programming last week got that feeling as she was able to PR in the snatch and her top 3 attempts all looked the same.  Her CJ matched her current PR; netting her a PR total and a 2 sticker.  Steady improvements of a few percent every few weeks is nothing to at which to sneeze. 

Ben, last week, hitting his snatching hard, but not quite getting it.  Then the 100, 102 come easy.  The mind blew up at the 105 as panic set in.  Had the lift been done the same way with the same feel, it would have been made as there is plenty of hydraulic strength there.

Then, this week, 3 stage week, drilling in that explosive feeling above the knees, he gets it.  Going after the singles in CJ, there was plenty of room for a big weight and PR.  130 went up so easily that it dropped 2 inches onto his rack.  He went for 140 which was nailed, too.  The mind was concentrating on the feeling of driving, pulling, moving under.  A mere 2.2 kilos is added and then suddenly the feeling is lost (oh, no!  142 kilos on the bar!)  and the lift is not made.  Nonetheless, a few PR and the next reward level is reached. 

Nice build up by lifters as we approach the battle for the belt on Saturday and meets in September, October, and December. 

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